lauren ann photography

~ art collection ~

Horses are a living work of art, just waiting to be captured and displayed in your home. Lauren's Art Collection is curated with fine art images that she has captured over the years. You will find a variety of equine portraits, both black and white background, unique silhouettes, landscapes and more! Whether you are shopping for your own home or a friend, there is something for everyone!

Enjoy options from canvas, print, metals and more. Feel free to contact us for personal requests for custom sizes or crops, or to ask for a particular image to be added for purchase that you've seen in Lauren's portfolio or social media.

The LAP Journal

Choose from 9 different themed 6x9 soft cover journals. Each journal is 126 pages, lined with full color (and some black + white) photo prints every 15 pages.

shop here
Highlighting the bond between you & your horse while capturing your perfect world in dreamy, vibrant, artistic imagery that will be cherished for years to come. Lauren is located in vacaville, California and travels the Northern and Central California region and beyond.

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